About us
Our Vision, Mission and Strategy
Our vision is to be a welcoming church family, open to God's leading, prayerfully seeking to serve Him in our community.
Our mission is for the whole church to offer the whole Christ to the whole person, throughout the whole community and out to the whole world.
We aim to:
- make everyone welcome
- be family-friendly
- be practical and relevant
- help each other explore answers to our deepest questions
- offer time to stop and think in a busy life
- help make sense of the Bible and who Jesus is
- make sure everyone will be both helped and challenged
- help each other discover God's love, acceptance and forgiveness
- offer everyone the chance to make a new start
We have access for all. Parents with younger children are most welcome.
How to find us... and who to contact.
Beeston Baptist Church is a member of The Baptist Union of Great Britain, The Evangelical Alliance, and Churches Together in Beeston and Chilwell .